Title: Fresh Berry Crumb Pie

Category: Desserts, Pies & Pastry

Servings: 6



Preheat oven to 350 degrees. To prepare crumb crust/topping, spread nuts
in a medium baking pan. Roast the nuts, stirring occasionally, until
toasted, about 10 minutes.
Remove nuts from the oven and turn out onto a cloth towel. Rub off and
discard the papery skins. Increase the oven temperature to 450 degrees.
In a food processor fitted with the metal blade, process the nuts until
finely ground, about 10 seconds. Watch nuts very carefully when grinding
them in the food processor. If you grind them too long, the result will
be nut butter.
In a large bowl, mix together the nuts, flour, and sugar. Using a pastry
blender or 2 knives, cut the butter into the flour mixture until coarse
crumbs form.
Using fingers, evenly press half of the crumb crust/topping mixture into
the bottom and sides of an 8 or 9 inch tart pan.
To prepare the filling, in a medium bowl, mix together the sugar and the
cornstarch. Gently fold in the berries. Spoon the berry mixture into the
crust, spreading evenly.
Sprinkle the berry mixture evenly with the remaining crumb crust/topping.
Bake until topping is golden and filling is bubbly, 30 minutes.
Transfer the pan to a wire rack to cool for 10 minutes. Serve warm.